Here is what you need to know to download the DIET Agents software:
- The DIET Agents software is released as Open Source. Before downloading the software, make sure you are aware of the license terms.
- The DIET Agents software can be downloaded from the DIET Agents download area at Sourceforge. The download area contains the latest release of the software, as well as earlier releases.
- To be notified about new releases, you can subscribe to the
diet-agents-announce mailing list.
- There are three different packages of software releases. You can read more about each, and how to download the software, below:
The DIET Agents Platform
- Each release of the platform consists of two files:
diet-agents-xxx.zip is the main release file. It contains the DIET Agents source code, as well as the binary Java archive file that can be used to run the software.
diet-agents-api-xxx.zip is an auxiliary file. It contains the DIET Agents API documentation. The documentation is not included in the main release file as it is relatively large and can be automatically generated from the source code using the javadoc tool. For your convenience, however, it is available for download as well.
- Download the DIET Agents platform
- What next? After downloading the files and unzipping them, it is recommended you try running the sample applications. The
README.txt file includes some help on how to do so. Look at the API documentation and/or the application source code for details about what each application does. Also, have a look at the DIET Agents tutorial. It refers to most of the sample applications, and can be used to decide which applications to look into first.
The DIET Agents Platform - JDK 1.1 Compatible
- There is also a Java 1.1 compatible release of the platform, which enables you to run the platform on a wider range of environments, including hand-held devices and/or web browsers without recent Java plug-ins.
- Each release of the JDK 1.1 compatible version consists of a single file:
diet-agents-java1_1-xxx.zip contains the Java 1.1 compatible DIET Agents source code, as well as the binary Java archive file that can be used to run the software.
- Download the DIET Agents platform (Java 1.1 compatible)
- What next? You will also need to download Sun's JDK 1.1 Collections framework, which is required to run this version of the platform. Other than that, writing Java 1.1 compatible DIET Agents applications is quite similar to writing normal DIET Agents applications. You just have to be careful not to use any classes or methods released since Java 1.2. You can, however, use the Collection classes in the
com.sun.util.collections package. Furthermore, there are also a few classes in org.gnu.classpath that you may find useful.
- Elvis is an elementary, generic visualiser for the DIET Agents platform. It is an auxilary tool that can be used for understanding, demoing and debugging applications built on top of the platform. Although it is pretty small and basic, it can be surprisingly useful.
- Each release of the visualiser consists of a single file:
elvis-xxx.zip contains the source code of the visualiser, as well as the binary Java archive file that can be used to run the visualiser.
- The visualiser software may not be compatible with all releases of the platform software. The release notes that are included with the software (and can also be accessed from the download area at Sourceforge before downloading the software) state explicity one version of the platform that the visualiser is compatible with.
- Download the Elvis visualiser
- What next? After downloading the Elvis file and unzipping it, it is recommended you try visualising the sample applications that are included with the DIET Agents platform. The
README.txt file for Elvis includes some brief instructions about how to do so.