Please refer to the papers below for more information about DIET Agents:
- "Agents in Decentralised Information Ecosystems: the DIET Approach",
P. Marrow, M. Koubarakis, R.H. van Lengen, F. Valverde-Albacete, E. Bonsma, J. Cid-Suerio, A.R. Figueiras-Vidal, A. Gallardo-Antolín, C. Hoile, T. Koutris, H. Molina-Bulla, A. Navia-Vázquez, P. Raftopoulou, N. Skarmeas, C. Tryfonopoulos, F. Wang and C. Xiruhaki Proc. of the Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Behaviour Convention 2001 (AISB01), Symposium on Information Agents for Electronic Commerce, pp. 109-117, March 2001, York, UK. (Paper as PDF)
- "Core Specification and Experiments in DIET: A Decentralised Ecosystem-inspired Mobile Agent System"
C. Hoile, F. Wang, E. Bonsma and P. Marrow Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS2002), pp. 623-630, July 2002, Bologna, Italy. (Paper as PDF)
- "Towards a minimal hosting specification for open agent systems : the lessons of IP"
C. Hoile and E. Bonsma 1st International Workshop on "Challenges in Open Agent Systems", AAMAS2002, July 2002, Bologna, Italy. (Paper as PDF)
- "A distributed implementation of the SWAN peer-to-peer look-up system using mobile agents"
E. Bonsma and C. Hoile 1st International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing (AP2PC 2002), AAMAS2002, July 2002, Bologna, Italy. (Paper as PDF)
- "The DIET project: building a lightweight, decentralised and adaptable agent platform"
P. Marrow AgentLink News 12, pp. 3-6. (AgentLink News 12 as PDF)
- "Peer to peer computing - The challenge"
P. Marrow BT Exact "Test drive" website (Flyer as HTML Flyer as PDF)